This special spice blend combines the Japanese seven-spice blend, known as shichimi or nanami, with the bright and citrusy flavour of mikan, a type of Japanese mandarin.
Shichimi Spice
Shichimi - "shichi" (seven) "mi" (flavour), is a popular Japanese spice blend consisting of seven ingredients and is considered very good for your health.
This special mix of spices combines two ingredients that are produced locally in the Wakayama region, Arita mikan peel and sansho pepper, as well as red chilli pepper, black sesame seeds, poppy seeds, aonori seaweed and ginger for freshness.
Mikan is a type of citrus fruit native to Japan, similar to mandarin oranges. It is prized for its sweet and tangy flavour, as well as its aromatic zest. Mikan is often used in Japanese cuisine to add brightness and acidity to dishes, as well as a refreshing citrus aroma.
Sansho Pepper
Shichimi spice with mikan combines the heat of the shichimi with the zing of sansho pepper and the zesty citrus flavour of mikan. The result is a harmonious blend of spicy, savoury, and citrusy notes that add a depth and complexity to dishes. The mikan adds a refreshing twist to the spice blend, balancing out the heat with its bright and tangy notes.
Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. After opening, close well and refrigerate.